
오토캐드 명령어 140가지
1 | APERTURE | Controls the size of the object snap target box 제어 객체 스넵 상자 크기 조절 |
2 | ARC | Draws an arc of any size 호 그리는 명령어 |
3 | AREA | Computes the area of a polygon, polyline or circle 다각형, 폴리라인과 같힌 닫힌 도형의 면적을 계산 |
4 | ARRAY | Makes multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular or circular pattern 선택 요소를 여거래의 복사본으로 생성할 때 사용 |
5 | ATTDEF | Creates an Attribute Definition entity for textual information to be associated with a Block Definition 택스트 정보에 의한 속성 정의 |
6 | ATTDISP | Controls the visibility of Attribute entities on a global basis 속성 개체의 가시성 제어 |
7 | ATTEDIT | Permits editing of Attributes either globally or one by one 하나 하나의 속성을 편집 허가 |
8 | ATTEXT | Extracts Attribute data from a drawing 추출 도면의 속성 |
9 | AXIS | Displays a "ruler line" on the graphics monitor 그래픽에 Ruler line 을 표시 |
10 | BASE | Specifies origin for subsequent insertion of the current drawing into another drawing 원점 지정 |
11 | BLIPMODE | Controls display of marker blips for a point or entity selection 컨트롤 포인터 혹은 마커를 일시적으로 표시 |
12 | BLOCK | Forms a compound object from a group of entities 선택 개체를 하나의 그룹으로 형성 |
13 | BREAK | Erases part of an object, or splits it into two objects 선이나 객체의 선을 분할 할 때 사용하는 명령어 |
14 | CHAMFER | Creates a chamfer at the intersection of two lines 두 라인의 교차점에 모따기 생성 |
15 | CHANGE | Alters the location, size, orientation, or other properties of selected objects. Especially useful for text entities 선택 개체의 특성을 변경 (위치, 크기, 방향) |
16 | CHPROP | Modifies Properties of selection objects 선택 객체를 수정하여 등록 |
17 | CIRCLE | Draws a arc of any size 호를 그릴때 사용하는 명령어 |
18 | COLOR | Establish the color for subsequently drawn objects 순차적으로 객체 색상 설정 |
19 | COPY | Draws a copy of selected objects 객체를 복사 |
20 | DBLIST | Lists database information for every entity in the drawing 도면상에 있는 객체의 데이터베이스 정보 확인 |
21 | DDATTE | Allows Attribute editing by means of a dialogue box 대화상자를 이용한 속성 편집 |
22 | DDEMODES | Sets current layer, color, linetype, elevation, and thickness via dialogue box 대화상자를 이용하여 색상, 선종류, 높이, 두께 설정 |
23 | DDLMODES | Sets layer properties via dialogue box 대화상자를 이용하여 레이어 속성 설정 |
24 | DDRMODES | Sets drawing aids via dialogue box 대화상자를 이용하여 보조 셋트 지정 |
25 | DDUCS | Displays a dialogue box for control of the current User Coordinate System 대화상자로 제어 시스템의 좌표를 표시 |
26 | DELAY | Delays execution of the next command for a spedified time. Used with command scripts |
27 | DIM | Invokes dimensioning mode, permitting many dimension notatioins to be added to a drawing |
28 | DIMI | Allows one dimension notation to be added to a drawing, then returns to normal command mode |
29 | DIST | Finds distance between two points 두 점 사이의 거리를 측정 |
30 | DIVIDE | Places markers along a selected object, dividing it inot a specified number of equal parts 선택된 객체의 균등 마커를 표기 |
31 | DOUGHNUT OR DONUT | Draws rings with specified inside and outside diameters 내경 외경을 이용하여 원을 생성 |
32 | DRAGMODE | Allows control of the dynamic specification ("Dragging") feature for all appropriate commands 드래그 모드 설정 |
33 | DTEXT | Draws text items dynamically 동적 텍스트 항목 |
34 | DVIEW | Defines parallel or visual perspective views dynamically |
35 | DXBIN | Inserts specially-coded binary files into a drawing |
36 | DXFIN | Loads a drawing interchange file |
37 | DXFOUT | Writes a drawing interchange file |
38 | EDGESURF | Constructs a 3D polygon mesh approximating a Coons surface patch (a bicubic surface interpolated between four adjoining edges) |
39 | ELEV | Sets elevation and extrusion thickness for subsequently drawn entities. Used in 3D visualizations (To be dropped in the next major update) |
40 | ELLIPSE | Draws ellipses using any of several specifications 타원형 객체 생성 |
41 | END | Exits the Drawing Editor after saving the updated drawing 도면 업데이트 후 도면 편집기 종료 |
42 | ERASE | Erases entities from the drawing 도면상의 선택한 객체를 삭제 |
43 | EXPLODE | Shatters a Block or Polyline into its constituent parts 블럭이나 폴리라인의 객체를 해체 |
44 | EXTEND | Lengthens a Line, Arc, or Polyline to meet another object 선이나 원의 객체 길이를 늘릴때 사용 |
45 | FILES | Performs disk file utility tasks |
46 | FILL | Controls whether Solids, Traces, and wide Polylines are automatically filled on the screen and the plot output |
47 | FILLET | Constructs an arc of specified radius between two lines, arcs, or circles 필렛 형성 명령어 |
48 | FILMROLI | Generates a file for rendering by Autoshade 렌더링을 위한 파일 생성 |
49 | GRAPHSCR | Flips to the graphics display on single-screen systems. Used in commoand scripts and menus 단일 화면 표시 그래픽 디스플레이로 전환 |
50 | GRID | Displays a grid of dots, at desired spacing, on the screen 화면에 격자를 표기 |
51 | HANDLES | Assigns a unique, permanent number to each entity in a drawing 도면에서 객체별 고유 영구 번호를 할당 |
52 | HATCH | Performs cross-hatching and pattern-filling 햇치 생성 명령어 |
53 | `HELP OR'? | Displays a list of valid commands and data entry options or obtains help for a specific command 도움말 |
54 | HIDE | Regenerates a 3D visualization with "hidden" lines removed hidden line 숨기기 |
55 | ID | Displays the coordinates of a specified point |
56 | IGESIN | Loads an IGES interchange file |
57 | IGESOUT | Writes a IGES interchange file |
58 | INSERT | Insets a copy of a previously drawn part (object) into the current drawing 현대 조면에 사본 복사본을 붙여넣을때 사용하는 명령어 |
59 | ISOPLANE | Selects the plane of an isometric grid to be the "current" plane for orthogonal drawing 선택 등각 그리드 형성 |
60 | LAYER | Creates name drawing layers and assigns color and linetype properties to those layers 레이어 설정 명령어 |
61 | LIMITS | Changes the drawing boundaries and controls checking of those boundaries 경계 확인과 컨트롤 변경 |
62 | LINE | Draws straight lines of any length 선을 그릴때 사용하는 명령어 |
63 | LINETYPE | Defines linetypes (sequences of alternating line segments and spaces), loads them from libraries, and sets the linetype for subsequently drawn objects 선종류 선택 |
64 | LIST | Lists database information for selected objects 선택 객체의 데이터베이스 정보 확인 |
65 | LOAD | Loads a file of user-defined shapes to be used with the SHAPE command 파일 로드 |
66 | LTSCALE | Sets scale factor to be applied to all linetypes within the drawing 설정 축적 비율을 적용 |
67 | MEASURE | Places markers at specified intervals along a selected object 마커 |
68 | MENU | Loads a file of Drawing Editor commands into the menu areas (screen, pull-down, tablet, and button) 화면 풀다운, 버튼의 명령 에디터 영역 |
69 | MINSERT | Inserts multiple copies of a Block in a rectangular pattern 직사각형 패턴 블럭 사본 삽입 |
70 | MIRROR | Reflects designated entities about a user-specified axis 사용자가 지정한 축을 기준으로 대칭 객체 생성 |
71 | MOVE | Moves designated entities to another location 객체 이동 |
72 | MSLIDE | Makes a slide file from the current display |
73 | MULTIPLE | Causes the next command to repeat until cancelled |
74 | OFFSET | Allows the creation of offset curves and parallel lines 객체 띄우기 명령어 |
75 | OOPS | Restores last erased entity |
76 | ORTHO | Constraints drawing so that only lines aligned with the grid can be entered |
77 | OSNAP | Enables points to be precisely located on reference points of exisitng objects SNAP 설정 |
78 | PAN | Moves the display window |
79 | PEDIT (2D) | Permits editing of 2D polylines |
80 | PEDIT(3D) | Permits editing of 3D polylines |
81 | PEDIT (Mesh) | Permits editing of 3D polygon meshes: |
82 | PLAN | Puts the display in PLAN view (VPOINT 0,0,1) relative to either the current UCS, a specified UCS, or the World Coordinate System |
83 | PLINE | Draws two-dimensional polylines (connected line and arc segments, with optional width and taper |
84 | PLOT | Plots a drawing on a pen plotter 도면 출력시 사용하는 명령어 |
85 | POINT | Draws single points |
86 | POLYGON | Draws regular polygon with the specified number of side |
87 | PRPLOT | Plots a drawing on a printer plotter |
88 | PURGE | Removes unused Blocks, text, styles, layers or linetypes from the drawing 사용하지 않는 블럭, 문자, 스타일 삭제 |
89 | QTEXT | Enables text entities to be identified without drawing the text detail |
90 | QUIT | Exits the Drawing Editor and returns to AutoCAD's Main Menu, discarding any changes to the drawing Auto cad 종류 명령어 |
91 | REDEFINE | Restores a built-in command deleted by UNDEFINE |
92 | REDO | Reverses the previous command even if it was U or UNDO 명령어 실행전 이전 화면으로 복귀 |
93 | REDRAW | Refreshes or cleans up the current viewport 현재 화면 재 정렬 |
94 | REDRAWALL | Redraws all viewports Viewports 변경 |
95 | REGEN | Regenerates the current viewport 현재 viewport 재 생성 |
96 | REGENALL | Regenerates all viewports 모든 viewports 재 생성 |
97 | REGENAUTO | Controls automatic regeneration performed by other commands |
98 | RENAME | Changes the names associated with text styles, layers, linetypes, Blocks, Views, User Coordinate systems, and viewport configurations |
99 | RESUME | Resumes an interrupted command script |
100 | REVSURF | Creates a 3D ploygon mesh approximating a surgace of revolution, by rotating a curve around a selected axis |
101 | ROTATE | Rotates existing objects 객체 회전할 때 사용하는 명령어 |
102 | RSCRIPT | Restarts a command script from the beginning |
103 | RULESURF | Creates a 3D polygon mesh approximating a ruled surface between two curves |
104 | SAVE | Updates the current drawing file without exiting the Drawing Editor 파일 저장 |
105 | SCALE | Alters the size of existing objects 스케일 적용 |
106 | SCRIPT | Executes a command script |
107 | SELECT | Groups objects into a selection.set for use in subsequent commands |
108 | SETVAR | Allows you to display or change the value of system variables |
109 | SH | Allows access to internal PC - DOS/MS-DOS commands |
110 | SHAPE | Draws pre-defined shapes |
111 | SHELL | Allows access to other programs while running AutoCAD |
112 | SKETCH | Permits free-hand sketching |
113 | SNAP | Specifies a "round-off" interval for digitizer point entry so entities can be placed at precise locations easily |
114 | SOLID | Draws filled-in polygons |
115 | STATUS | Displays drawing statistics & modes |
116 | STRETCH | Allows you to move a portion of a drawing while retaining connections to other parts of the drawing 객체를 늘리거나 줄일 때 사용하는 명령어 |
117 | STYLE | Creates named text styles, with user-selected combinations of font, mirroring, obliquing and horizontal scaling |
118 | TABLET | Aligns the digitzing tablet with coordinates of a paper drawing to accurately copy it with AutoCAD |
119 | TABSURF | Creates a polygon mesh aproximating a general tabulated surface defined by a path and a direction verctor |
120 | TEXT | Draws text characters of any size, with selected styles 문자를 입력할 때 사용하는 명령어 |
121 | TEXTSCR | Flips to the text display on single-screen systems. Used in command scripts and menus |
122 | TIME | Displays drawing creation and update times, and permits control of an elapsed timer 도면 생성 시간을 업데이트 |
123 | TRACE | Draws solid lines of specified width |
124 | TRIM | Erased the portions of selected entities that cross a specified boundary 객체를 잘라내기 할 때 사용 |
125 | U | Reverses the effect of the previous command |
126 | UCS | Defines or modifies the current User Coordinate System |
127 | UCSICON | Controls visibility and placement of the User Coordinate System icon, which indicates the origin and orientation of the current UCS. The options normally affect only the current view port. |
128 | UNDEFINE | Deletes the definition of a built-in AutoCAD command |
129 | UNDO | Reverses the effect of multiple commands, and provides control over the "UNDO" facility |
130 | UNITS | Selects coordinate and angle display formats & precision 단위 편집기 명령어 |
131 | VIEW | Saves the current graphics display as a Named View, or restores a saved view ot the display |
132 | VIEWPORTS or VPORTS | Divides the AutoCAD's graphics display into multiple viewports, each of which may contain a different view of the current drawing |
133 | VIEWRES | Allows you to control the precision and speed of Circle and Arc drawing on the monitor by specifying the number of sides in a Circle |
134 | VPOINT | Selects the viewpoint for a 3D visualizaiton |
135 | VSLIDE | Displays a previously-created slide file |
136 | WBLOCK | Writes selected entities to a disk file |
137 | ZOOM | Enlarges or reduces the display of the drawing |
138 | 3DFACE | Draws three-dimensional plane selections |
139 | 3DMESH | Defines a three-dimensional polygon mesh by specifying its size (in terms of M and N) and the location of each vertex in the mesh |
140 | 3DPOLY | Creates a three-dimensional polyline |
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